Shamballa was originally a legend of hidden kingdom that is mentioned in various ancient texts. Shamballa gradually came to be seen as a pure land, a fabulous kingdom whose reality is visionary or spiritual as much as physical or geographic. Today, Shamballa is regarded as a place of "peace, tranquility, and happiness". Some Tibetan medical texts those are believed to have come from this kingdom of Samballa describing human anatomy and physiology, sophisticated theories and methods of diagnosis, and ways to prevent and cure serious diseases. It is also said that Shamballa is the dharma chakra, located in the heart of all living beings. It is the symbol for the mind, completing the trinity of body, speech, and mind.
Shamballa jewelries, also known as Shambhala, Sambhala, and many other names that is recognized the ball bead fashion jewelry. Most of Shamballa bracelets are made from nylon string or waxed linen string featuring a traditional macrame manual toggle locking mechanism. The beads are made from plastic, metal, cubic zirconia stones, hematite, or diamonds.
These Shambhala necklaces are not exclusive to the hip hop celebrities. Many other artists, athletes, actors and actresses have also been wore shamballa necklaces and bracelets. The disco ball bead necklaces can be seen around the necks of Heidi Klum, Keri Hilson, Beyonce, Michael Jordan, Lamar Odom and many more.
There are many ideas as to what these Shamballa bracelets represent, however the general idea is to promote your well being.
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